Friday, May 8, 2020


Born in patna(patliputra)in 476 is known for his contribution in field 0f Maths and Astronomy.He is also known as physicist due to his work on relativity.he is known as 1st mathematician and 1st physicist,also he is known as the father of indian astronomy.
He wrote many granths which detailed about Arithematic algebra Plane trigonometry,Spherical trigonometry.
He also describe quadratic equations,sum of power series.
Biggest achievement of aryabhatt to this world was:
1.The place value system(100 B.C.)
2.ZERO(Granth name vakshali written by aryabhatta in 3rd century,aryabhatta has mentioned 0)
also in place value system exixtence of zero can be seen.

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Is it a sin to born as a Hindu in Hindustan........................... .Welcome to my country INDIA,we also call it as a republic of India ,...