Saturday, May 9, 2020


I am here with some more packets of knowledge on hinduism,lets see how many of these hinduism facts did you know before reading this.

1.The Rig Veda is the oldest known book in the world.
The rig veda is an ancient hindu text written in sanskrit.the date is uncertain,but most expert date it back to 1500 years B.C. its the worlds oldest book known in thw eorld,and therefore,HINDUISM is also sometimes referred to as the oldest religion.
2.108 is considered a sacred number.
So-called malas or garlands of prayer beadscome as a string of 108 beads.Mathematicians of vedic culturesaw this number as a wholeness of existence,and that it connects the moon,sun and earth.
3.Third largest religion in the world.
Only christianity and islam have more followers than hinduism,which makes it the third largest religion in the world.
4.Hindu beleifs says that god can take many forms.
There is only one eternal energy,but,it can take many form as gods and goddessess.It is also beilieved that a part of the brahmand lives in every single being in the universe.
5.Sanskrit is the most commonly language used in the hindu texts.
Sanskrit is the ancient language of which most of the sacred texts is written and in the languages history goes back to at least 3500 years in time.
6.Hinduism believes in a circular concept of time.
The western world follows a linear concept of time,but hindus rather believe that time is a manifestation of god and that is never ending.
7.There is no single founder for hinduism.
Most religious and belief systems in the world have a founder,such as Jesus for Christianity,Muhammad for Islam,Budhha for Budhhism and so on.
There is no exact date when it is originated.This is because it grew out of cultural and religious changes in india.
8.The real name is sanatana dharma.
The original name for hinduism in sanskrit is sanatana dharma.thw word Hindu was used by greek people to describe the people living around the indus river.
9.Hinduism encourages a vegeterian diet.
Ahimsa is a moral principle which can be found in hindu faith as well as budhhism and jainism It is a sanskrit word which means not to injure and compassion.that is why many hindus eat a vegeterian diet because if you eat meat on purpose it is believed that you cause harm to the animals.
10.Hindus believes in karma
A person who does good in life is believed to recieve good karma'
11.OM represents the sound of universe.
It is the most sacred syallable,symble or mantra in is often chanted before a mantra or independently.

1 comment:


Is it a sin to born as a Hindu in Hindustan........................... .Welcome to my country INDIA,we also call it as a republic of India ,...