Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Is it a sin to born as a Hindu in Hindustan...........................
.Welcome to my country INDIA,we also call it as a republic of India ,in Urdu we call it as Hindustan but it is no less than a joke,  "HINDUSTAN" which means a place of Hindu',where blood of a Hindu has no value.Blood of Hindu is cheaper than a bottle of mineral water we get in no more than 20 rupess.Every Foreign and Indian  liberal,leftist  and communist who blindly wants to prove that Hindus living in India are no less than a devil and the Muslim in India are being tortured by these Hindus and he is scared.
This is the story of a Hindu family living in village-Beladi,District-Gopalganj, State -Bihar,Country-INDIA.In this village Hindu and Muslim are very much equal in population.
 Rajesh Jaiswal who owns a small shop in village,lives with his wife and two children and is some how able to take care of his family and  kids education.Rohit Jaiswal who is elder son,around 15 years and has a younger sister,Rohit Jiaswal is in adolescent age and being an adolescent he has all sort of friends Hindu and Muslim.It was evening of 28 march 2020,his four Muslim friend came to his home  and he went to play with them which was usual as he always used to go and play with his friends in the evening.With the Sun set and the darkness covering the whole area,Rajesh jaiswal closes his shop and arrives home,it was dinner time and Rohit was not in home , which was unusal as this had never happened before.Worried and scared Rohit's parents starts searching for him and they first went to those four friends with whoim rohit had gone to play,when Rohit's parent asked the four of them,all four replied the same that Rohit had left and if he has not reached yet,then they don't know anything about him.After this Rajesh Jaiswal and his wife went to Rohit's other friends in order to search for  Rohit.They didn't find anything about Rohit but the thing which they heard from them was that- those four muslim friend of Rohit were planning for a sacrifice of a Hindu so that the Mosque in the village will become more powerful.This stunned rajesh jaiswal and his wife,rajesh jaiswal with his neighbours and relatives starts searching rohit everywhere in and out the village.They search for the whole night,the day shifts from 28 march to 29 march but with a morning that no parent in the world would wish for,body of rohit is floating in the river nearby the village,throat stabbed unlimited times,blood still coming out of nose.
After a while police arrives and took body of Rohit with him and Rajesh follows police with some of his neighbours and relatives to Katiya police station and informs the police about the complete scenario.
Rajesh tells the police about the four muslim and urges police to lodge a F.I.R against them and their family.Katiya police instead of lodging F.I.R (first information report) beats that father(Rohit's father Rajesh) who has just lost his only son,police not only beats Rajesh but also Rajesh's relative and neighbour who went to police station with Rajesh.
                                                                                      Rajesh was a man of strong moral values he came back to home from police station but still he wants justice and he tries to bring the news of his son to media even in a small newspaper but he was a Hindu not only Hindu but a poor Hindu,there was no glamour,X factor,our media publishes news on Taimur Ali Khan ,the underwear he is wearing,the no of times he shits and the no of times his mom Kareena Kapoor licks his shit.Indian media has no time for poor guy Rohit and his family.This also was not able to break the courage lied within Rajesh and his wife,they kept on visitng the police station.Katiya policemen used to abuse and beat rajesh and his wife everyday hoping that someday they will we able to stop rajesh and his wife.
                                                                                     It's one month now and still the police has not lodged an F.I.R against the four muslim boys,the muslim living in the village specially the parent's of four kids responsible for Rohit's murder starts giving life threats to Rajesh and his family.After one month of struggle this news got some space in the middle pages in the corner of the News Paper(Dainik Jagran and Dainik Bhaskar) in a small column.Once the news is published in the newspaper,it pressurises the Katiya Police station to lodge a F.I.R. F.I.R is lodged against 6 men out of which four are arrested instantly but NIZAM ANSARI and  WASIR ANSARI are absconding.21 April Nizam comes home to take some money and got arrested by police there but Wasir ansari is still missing.After arrest,highlighting the news the Muslim in the village keeps on harassing the family and make it next to impossible for Rajesh's family to step out of the house,they are not letting Rajesh open his shop,even the small sister of Rohit is not spare of the threats the family is receiving,muslims in the village are threatening his little sister.
                                                                                                                                                             In this situation Rajesh's wife did the same as a decent and respectful person will do,she went to complain in the Katiya police station.She request S.H.O of Katiya police station that they are receiving life threats and wants protection.Instead of helping Rohit's mother he (S.H.O -ASHWINI KUMAR TIWARI) misbehaves and abuses Rajesh's wife who has recently lost his only son.

S.H.O advices Rajesh and his wife if u care for your life then leave the village or arrange for your protection by yourself.Situation had gone that worse that even his little sister requests for help and justice. Let's have a look at what her sister said:

Good News for Hindu....................wait...................... are you thinking Rajesh and his family got justice.I am sorry sir Rajesh and his family left the village and are living in UP in some unknown place .I can't figure out where are  you Nitish kumar,Narendra Modi,Amit Shah and if about media then Indian media is much worse than a whore.I respect them as being C.M of Bihar,P.M of India but i can't ignore this also,i know Indian is going through a virus crises and i also known that someday it will be gone but what i want to know how India is preparing for this type of virus,virus of biased secular,virus of fake liberals,virus of fake secularism,virus of fake brotherhood.
This is not the first time that a hindu has been murdered brutually and the only thing responsible for murder is one sided brotherhood with an extremist community who can't be trust.
Also i am fed up of requesting the govt to take action against every virus,it's my order as a citizen of india beacuse of whom you exist to give this case to CBI and should punsih the murderers,Katiya police S.H.O,Muslim people who threaten rajesh's family.
It's the ending of fake brotherhood, its the ending of secularism and if the govt. will not take action then it will be the end of trust on constitution. 



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Is it a sin to born as a Hindu in Hindustan........................... .Welcome to my country INDIA,we also call it as a republic of India ,...